Bootstrapping and common utilities for travetto applications.
Install: @travetto/boot
npm install @travetto/boot
Boot is basic environment awareness coupled with typescript bootstrapping for Travetto apps and libraries. It has support for the following key areas:
- Environmental Information
- Cache Support
- File Operations
- Typescript Bootstrapping
- Process Execution
- Stream Support
Environmental Information
The functionality we support for testing and retrieving environment information:
isTrue(key: string): boolean;
- Test whether or not an environment flag is set and is true
isFalse(key: string): boolean;
- Test whether or not an environment flag is set and is false
isSet(key:string): boolean;
- Test whether or not an environment value is set (excludes: null
, ''
, and undefined
get(key: string, def?: string): string;
- Retrieve an environmental value with a potential default
getInt(key: string, def?: number): number;
- Retrieve an environmental value as a number
getList(key: string): string[];
- Retrieve an environmental value as a list
Cache Support
The framework uses a file cache to support it's compilation activities for performance. This cache is also leveraged by other modules to support storing of complex calculations. AppCache is the cache that is used specific to the framework, and is an instance of FileCache. FileCache is the generic structure for supporting a file cache that invalidates on modification/creation changes.
The class organization looks like:
Code: File Cache Structure
import { Stats } from 'fs';
export declare class FileCache {
static isOlder(cacheStat: Stats, fullStat: Stats): boolean;
readonly cacheDir: string;
constructor(cacheDir: string);
init(purgeExpired?: boolean): void;
writeEntry(local: string, contents: string): void;
readEntry(local: string): string;
readOptionalEntry(local: string): string | undefined;
removeExpiredEntry(local: string, force?: boolean): void;
removeEntry(local: string): void;
hasEntry(local: string): boolean;
statEntry(local: string): Stats;
clear(quiet?: boolean): void;
fromEntryName(entry: string): string;
toEntryName(local: string): string;
getOrSet(local: string, create: () => string, force?: boolean): string;
export declare const AppCache: FileCache;
Everything is based on absolute paths being passed in, and translated into cache specific files.
File Operations
FsUtil provides some high level functionality (like recursive directory delete).
File System Scanning
ScanFs provides a breadth-first search through the file system with the ability to track and collect files via patterns.
Typescript Bootstrapping
Source Indexing
The bootstrap process will also requires an index of all source files, which allows for fast in-memory scanning. This allows for all the automatic discovery that is used within the framework (and transpiling).
This functionality allows the program to opt in the typescript compiler. This allows for run-time compilation of typescript files.
Process Execution
Just like child_process, the ExecUtil exposes spawn
and fork
. These are generally wrappers around the underlying functionality. In addition to the base functionality, each of those functions is converted to a Promise
structure, that throws an error on an non-zero return status.
A simple example would be:
Code: Running a directory listing via ls
import { ExecUtil } from '@travetto/boot';
export async function executeListing() {
const { result } = ExecUtil.spawn('ls');
const final = await result;
console.log('Listing', { lines: final.stdout.split('\n') });
As you can see, the call returns not only the child process information, but the Promise
to wait for. Additionally, some common patterns are provided for the default construction of the child process. In addition to the standard options for running child processes, the module also supports:
as the number of milliseconds the process can run before terminating and throwing an error
which suppresses all stdout/stderr output
as a string, buffer or stream to provide input to the program you are running;
allows for registering functionality to execute when a process is force killed by timeout
Stream Support
The StreamUtil class provides basic stream utilities for use within the framework:
toBuffer(src: Readable | Buffer | string): Promise<Buffer>
for converting a stream/buffer/filepath to a Buffer.
toReadable(src: Readable | Buffer | string):Promise<Readable>
for converting a stream/buffer/filepath to a Readable
writeToFile(src: Readable, out: string):Promise<void>
will stream a readable into a file path, and wait for completion.
waitForCompletion(src: Readable, finish:()=>Promise<any>)
will ensure the stream remains open until the promise finish produces is satisfied.